This mother of 4 children is going to die soon... Her goodbyes on Facebook touch the whole world!
Death is a painful subject that isn't taken easily. We all know that everyone's life must come to an end one day, but that doesn't make the topic any easier!

Yet sometimes, the worry is that this situation could happen to us when we aren't prepared for it. That's what happened to a 46-year old German woman named Nina Zacher. She has an incurable neurodegenerative disease called ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), which gradually leads to total muscle paralysis. Approximately 6400 new cases are diagnosed in the US each year and there is no cure for it.
Knowing that her days are numbered now, Nina put forth one last effort to post this very moving letter:
Once you've lost everything, you will be the calmest person in the world.
'After some tragic changes over the last few weeks, this will probably be my last post. I am really surprised every day that it's still possible to be alive. I am just a shadow of what and who I once was, and, at barely 35 kg (77lbs.) and 1.78m (5'10") tall, I'm more dead than alive. My speech is now irretrievably mute, except for an unintelligible mumble. As a result of my communication difficulties and needs, which have already been reduced to an unbearable minimum, real drama tends to arise because nobody understands me anymore. When sitting, I topple to every side and I can hardly hold my head up. This harrowing deterioration is excruciating and I can't understand why something like this is allowed to happen.
'One doesn't die that easily' my mother always said. And I guess she's right because you really have to earn death. I know that now. Because between realizing that you're going to die soon, and actually 'managing' it is a long and agonizing path, which all of us have heard about at some point. But we quickly repress it again because it's not really something to talk about at a party and everyone always thinks that it's something that happens to 'other people".
I am now alone with most of my thoughts and can't share them anymore. It's creepy somehow.
Much love to all of you, whose thoughts are with me each day. I thank you for that and wish you all, all the best.
Writing on this eye-controlled computer takes a lot of effort and is incredibly taxing. I ask all of you, who are still waiting on a reply from your letters and messages to please have a little understanding because unfortunately I can't manage anymore.
This statement from a person on her deathbed may challenge our vision of life and our future plans.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!