This woman finds herself alone facing 300 neo-Nazis. She makes a powerful symbolic gesture in protest ...

Seeing a whole crowd of neo-Nazis marching through the streets in Sweden, a Swedish woman decides to show her opposition.
Borlange, Sweden - May 1.
While people were supposed to be celebrating International Workers Day, a lot of city dwellers were astounded by a vast procession of neo-Nazi activists taking part in a march, proudly carrying their famous banner identifying them as the "Nordic Resistance Movement ".
These protesters were all dressed the same: a white shirt, with a black tie and black pants, something that left a bitter taste in the mouth of Tess Aplund.
This woman, a Swede of around 40 years of age, protested all alone against hundreds on Nazi activists.
With her fist raised, wearing a frown and a shaved head, this Black woman was the best example of a person who could best denounce racial hatred Sweden. In fact, she protested alone, with her chest out, feeling no fear against these opponents. This reminds us a little of the image of the Black Panthers in the United States.
Then the police came to escort her from this parade is to prevent any fighting. But that didn’t distract her at all - on the contrary, she stood her ground, her fist still raised, without saying a word.
So Tess Aplund has become a symbol of resistance against the neo-Nazi movement. She says that she began advocating over twenty years ago in anti-racist organizations, and that this was nothing new to her.
Despite her modesty, thanks to David Lagerlof who was able to capture Tess Aplund’s bravery, his photograph has become an iconic image in modern Swedish history.
Here are four of his best photos:

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!