This woman has spent $76,000 to achieve the perfect look... What do you think, after seeing her before pictures?
This woman’s appearance is far from being satisfactory, especially after undergoing multiple cosmetic surgeries and the colossal amount of money she has spent. But her story explains it all...

Fulvia Pellegrino has not only spent $76,000 on surgeries... she still hasn’t gotten the desired result! Her appearance is not necessarily due to her treatments not being effective, but also from the difficulties she experienced during her journey!
During her childhood, she lived with her two brothers. In her conservative family, she was raised with a strict religious upbringing. Besides, at that time she was still a boy!
His name at the time was "Fulvio", and he tried to be a normal guy! Because his family totally refused to accept his inclinations to become a woman! So he hunted, drank a lot of alcohol, owned luxury cars, and other similar activities.
At 24, he even went so far as marrying a doctor, Marisa... His marriage didn’t prevent him from dressing as a woman or visiting gay clubs. Fulvio was leading a double life! He was unhappy and repressed, so it was definitely a nightmare!
16 years later, no longer able to do it, he finally decided to reveal the truth to his wife! It was a terrible shock to her...
Fulvio finally decided to take control over his life and do what he has always wanted to become a woman!
Marisa saw a psychologist, and with therapy, was able to forgive and even support her! Fulvio sold everything she owned to pay for her operations: her house, cars, and hunting weapons. Nothing is too much trouble to fulfill her lifelong dream...
In making this choice, she lost all her friends and family, and her father even tried to have her committed! Her dream is actually to look like her idol: Allanah Starr, who is a transsexual porn star...
Two liposuctions, 4 breast augmentations, some operations on her nose, and lip and cheek injections later, Fulvio finally became Fulvia. It took her 56 years to become the woman she has always felt like she was.
In debt and rejected because of her operations and sexual orientation, Fulvia wasn’t even able to go to her father’s funeral.
Marisa didn’t leave Fulvia. They live together like sisters now!
Fulvia also lost her job, so Marisa provides for all their needs!
Despite all her attempts, Fulvia still hasn’t gotten the results she wants and looks forward to continuing her transformation to get the “perfect” look.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!