Time is good to you when you have money... Look at these 20 celebrities’ before and after pictures!

There are many celebrities who have resorted to plastic surgery. "You shouldn’t have wrinkles, a big nose, small lips, droopy cheeks…" all those things become things we’re self-conscious about.
The problem with all this is the media. They are scathing in their criticism of appearance, as if there were no talent, but looks are all that matter. "You sing out of tune? Whatever! Change your face and you’ll be world famous!". Except that stars who resort to cosmetic surgery seem to forget that we have their before/after photos, so in other words: don’t try to fool us, we know that you’re not natural at all!
Below are 20 photos of singers who are beautiful and radically changed so quickly!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!