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  3. Tired of her 6 boys getting made fun of for their long hair, this mom decided to have them all get haircuts...

Tired of her 6 boys getting made fun of for their long hair, this mom decided to have them all get haircuts...

Phoebe Kannisto is from New York and is the happy mother of 6 boys, including a pair of twins and triplets.

Illustration : "Tired of her 6 boys getting made fun of for their long hair, this mom decided to have them all get haircuts..."

Three years ago, a very close family friend died of cancer, and the 3 older brothers decided to let their hair grow, so they could donate it to charity.

That obviously sounded like a good idea to the other 3, who joined in the effort, resulting in all 6 boys having long hair. But when her children told her every day that they were being bullied for their long hair, Phoebe decided it was time for them to get haircuts.

Here’s their transformation: