Top 13 ways women love to torture men!

What’s better than being a couple? Having feelings, being loved, spoiled, and cherished... However, when you spend a lot of time with your partner, we allow each other to say and do things that bother us terribly...
Admitting good qualities, confessing our faults, forcing your partner to watch a TV show that he/she doesn’t like, continually asking for an expensive gift...
It's exasperating, but so cute!
Here are 13 adorable ways women love to torture their better halves...
1. Answering “k” to a long and complicated message that he sent you
2. Bruising his male ego by asking him to help you do something he can’t do
(Ex: Opening a jar)
3. Reminding him of his bulges every time he has a dessert
4. Spending his birthday money on shoes
5. Saying over and over that size really matters...
6. Forcing him to watch your favorite TV show or romantic comedy
7. Being as indecisive as possible about absolutely everything he asks
8. Saying "yes, everything's fine" as much as possible
This is the kind of little white lie used by every girl, and men know it every time. If you use it just to annoy him, he won’t know what to believe.
9. Taking a picture of him while he sleeps
10. Forcing him to talk about feelings
11. Convincing him that he’s starting to go bald
12. Beating him at arm wrestling...
And then telling all of his buddies...
13. Crying every time you get drunk together

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!