Unbelievable: A driver makes a mother get off of his bus for breastfeeding her child...

A young mother from Hamburg, Germany became famous on the internet thanks to (or because of) something unusual. As she sat on a bus, holding her baby, this German woman took out her breast to feed her baby. One witness immortalized this moment and posted the photo on Facebook.
Except that this witness wasn’t the only one who noticed the mother. In fact, the bus driver was repulsed and couldn’t stop looking at her. The driver, having no scruples about it, grabbed the bus microphone and fiercely said:
"Either you stop exposing yourself, or you get off the bus immediately."
Having no choice, the woman complied immediately and got off to wait for the next bus.
What a shame to see scenes like this in 2016, while there’s nothing more natural than breastfeeding! We have to stop viewing a gesture that’s quite normal as an exhibition!
What do you think?
How would you have reacted?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!