Very bad news if you shave your genital area!
If you’re used to shaving everything, this should interest you.

According to a recent study of the Sexually Transmitted Infections Journal, there is a link between the increase in sexually transmitted diseases and the regular shaving of pubic hair.
Anyone who shaves more than eleven times a year would be considered "extreme shavers"...
The study was done on 7,850 Americans (18-65 years old) and it turns out that those who completely shave their private parts have more than an 80% chance of catching an STD. In addition, the study hypothesizes that tiny abrasions caused by shaving tend to favor infections.
As for methods people use, women use manual razors more often, while men prefer electric razors.
Read more about the study by clicking here!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!