Very proud of their origins, they decide to take a DNA test, but they get the SHOCK of their lives!

Momondo, is a flight, hotel and car rental comparison tool. This travel website recently had the brilliant idea to do DNA testing on people selected at random. What they discovered is simply SHOCKING!
Two Momondo representatives left to meet people blindly. They asked the people what country their ancestors were from. Candidates therefore proudly told about their heritage. Except that some claimed that their nationality was the best, that they stood out from others... Of course, this superiority didn’t make the Momondo representatives very happy.
In order to give them a reality check and bring them back to earth, Momondo offered DNA testing without disclosing their results to them.
They eventually agreed.
On that day, the participants were really moved at the results. See for yourself in the video below:
"You have more in common with the world than you think" is what is declared by one of the Momondo representatives. This is an important lesson to these participants, but also to all of us! What good is it to denigrate others and claim that we are the best? Love each other, and life will reward you well!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!