"What is your biggest regret?" This simple question was asked to people passing by, and they all had one thing in common...

Regrets are one of life’s charms. APlus understands this all too well...
APlus, a digital media company based in New York, co-owned by the famous Ashton Kutcher, delivers something called "Positive Journalism". Lately, to please bystanders on the street, a team from APlus hung a blackboard on a New York street with "Write your biggest regret" written on it. People start paying attention, staring at the board, taking pictures, and then they decide to go for it: to write their biggest regret.
The blackboard was soon full of colorful regrets written in chalk...
At the end of the day, after the APlus team took a lot of pictures and videos, they realized that everyone had one thing in common with their regrets: "Not ...".
There is always a "Not" at the beginning of every sentence, a dream not achieved, a kiss someone didn’t get, an "I love you" that someone didn’t say, an ambition that someone never started...
Then the company asked the people to erase, in turn, the regret that they had written on the board. The act was moving, and they all felt, without exception, that the regret no longer belonged to them, as if they were freed from it.
Kudos to the APlus team for this awesome experience.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!