20 pictures of everyday objects under a microscope
Don’t worry, you’re not supposed to recognize any of the images below. There’s a good reason for it – they were all taken under a microscope. We use these devices to observe what makes up the things we see every day.

We all know that their contents often have nothing to do with their shapes. Are you going to guess what each image is? We’ll help you, but you should know that some of them are pretty surprising!
1. Muscle tissue, recognizable by its red color!
2. The surface of a strawberry
3. The eye of a fruit fly, which belongs to the family Drosophilidae
4. Chalk, which is actually the accumulation of ancient plankton skeletons
5. An eye? No, it’s the tip of a ballpoint pen.
6. Diving down into it makes it all the more beautiful... This is a tooth, not a lunar landscape!
7. 2-day old Zebrafish larvae
8. The grooves of a vinyl record!
9. A butterfly’s wing!
10. You’ll never see your eyelashes the same way again!
11. The grass in your yard seems so happy!
12. A mosquito’s foot
13. Up close and personal with an LCD screen
14. The cut stem of a rose
15. Ants are pretty funny when you look at them up close.
16. A cat’s tongue under a microscope... it looks like lots of smaller tongues!
17. Phytoplankton
18. Sand – look at all the different shapes!
19. A needle and thread
20. Human hair
© Jason Burns/ Dr. Ryder / EAST NEWS

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!