29 satisfying photos of perfection
Some people get satisfaction from seeing things keep in precise, meticulous order. And for some people it’s an obsession. Straightening up is more than just a chore, it’s a passion. A passion that gets annoyed if it isn’t satisfied.
![Illustration : "29 satisfying photos of perfection"](https://www.happyfacts.co/assets/img/003/774/300x169/29-satisfying-photos-perfection.jpg)
People can be irritated by the slightest imperfection. So the photos below are made to help put your mind at ease when you see the perfection.
1. The perfect way the snow fell on this bench…
2. From white grapes to nearly black grapes…
3. Is there a more perfect bowl of rice?
4. These are all perfectly colored toothpick cubes.
5. What do you see on the table? A pillow or ravioli? It’s snow!
6. When you come back from the beach and sort your shells…
7. These eggs were chosen to form a color gradient…
8. When ice freezes on your fence…
9. Van Gogh would be so proud!
10. Even if everything seems to hold, you’ll never see me in that tunnel.
11. Now you’ll have to buy the entire stack of shirts.
12. When you like things perfect, even when sharpening your pencil…
13. Fade away and burn out!
14. Is this wall magical?
15. These two fields have a perfect line of separation.
16. When the timing is perfect!
17. The life cycle of a leaf in a single photo
18. From far away, you can’t distinguish the hangers…
19. Some perfectly arranged cables!
20. We wouldn’t even dare to touch it…
21. What a cool idea to do with coffee! Now which one to drink?
22. This is what we call a carrot bouquet!
23. You can see a beautiful landscape here!
24. Perfect, all that’s left to do is to eat them!
25. Gotta catch them all, they said! Done!
26. One face to the North, and the other to the South!
27. When you’re very organized...
28. Hats off to the architect for this idea!
29. Every stone has its place!
By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!