31 photos of everyday objects seen from a different angle
Even a simple chair may hide an intricate secret. Ditto for the locking mechanism of your favourite bracelet... In other words, what we consider to be mundane objects can be suprisingly complex.

How we see them can make all the difference, particularly if we decide to take them apart or look inside of them. So, if you love puzzles, try to guess the what the following objects are before reading the captions!
1. A banana tree trunk
2. Plant bulbs!
3. The inside of an accordeon
4. Inside a guitar
5. Dissected bowling balls
6. A simple box of tissues
7. An old, "peeled" coin
8. A ruler disguised as a bracelet?
9. You'll never again look at a billiard ball in the same way
10. This is why being hit by a golf ball hurts so much
11. A table from IKEA - not the most sturdy of items
12. A coffee capsule
13. The mechanism inside a billiard table
14. A simple lighter
15. A dice inside a dice
16. Inside an inflatable mattress
17. Try taking an old credit card apart
18. The inside of thick elastic cord
19. Check out how much shaving cream is in your cannister
20. The inside of a cactus
21. Cinnamon tree trunks are hollow
22. We'd love to live inside this violin
23. The inside of a fire alarm
24. It's more complicated from the inside
25. The inside of a cash dispenser
26. An empty wasps' nest
27. When a big battery is made up of smaller ones
28. An oyster filled with pearls
29. Ever seen the inside of a coin dispenser?
30. A section of a meteorite
© chronic_princess3100 / Reddit
31. The inside of a drinks dispenser

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!